Student Voices on MAD's ChangeMaker Launchpad: A Path to Global Citizenship
Tom Graham
November 15, 2024
“It makes me want to learn even more. I want to help the environment and discover new traditions.” (ESTICE student)
We’ve already heard from teachers in our previous newsletter - now let’s hear students’ first impressions of the ChangeMaker LaunchPad program! At MAD Courses, we have a mission – “to foster globally competent citizens who are not just knowledgeable about the complexity of global challenges but are also equipped with the skills and desire to create a better world”. Our flagship program, the ChangeMaker Launchpad, turns this vision into reality. What impact on students has the course had since its launch in September 2023?

High School Students' Perspective
We are thrilled to share the feedback from students at Frankfurt International School (FIS) and the The American School of Puerto Vallarta (ASPV), about their experience with the ChangeMaker Launchpad program. In a couple of words, their experience can be summed up as "Interesting and Intriguing."

When asked what they found the most engaging aspect of our videos, 36% of students highlighted the ability to make active choices throughout their learning experience.
- “choosing who to talk to and what questions to ask thanks to interactive technology made me feel connected to the community” (FIS Student)
- "I like how we can interact with the videos." (ASPV Student)
- "I really like that the videos are interactive. It is very realistic." (FIS Student)
Additionally, 56% of students mentioned the program's capability to immerse them in a new culture and provide insights into indigenous tribes from a local perspective, creating a sense of authentic connection.
- “I enjoyed learning about individual tribe members and their roles.” (FIS Student
- “the program made me feel like I was truly present in the scenarios presented” (ASPV student)
University Students' Perspective
“Better than just stories in Books”.
University students from ESTICE - International Management in France also gave glowing reviews. They expressed how the program ignited their desire to explore, help the environment, and discover the traditions of other cultures.
Among the respondents, an overwhelming 95% confirmed that the program met or exceeded their expectations. In fact, 38% of them stated that it went above and beyond what they had anticipated. Furthermore, 95% of students would recommend a MAD Courses program to their friends or other students.

To sum it up, our university students were inspired to collaborate with others to enact positive change and are now considering the impact their current and future careers have on issues they care about.
So… what did our students like the most?
1. Community Engagement
The students shared their appreciation for the program's focus on real-life community engagement. Working directly with changemakers, like social entrepreneur mentors, allowed them to connect theory with practical experiences.

2. Interactive Technology
The ChangeMaker Launchpad program successfully blended authentic stories with self-guided curricular content. Students found this approach engaging and effective, highlighting the interactivity of the videos, the diversity of content, and the mix of lessons and media.

MAD Courses remains committed to nurturing a generation of students ready to make a positive difference in the world. Until December 2023, we are seeking development partners who will benefit from a 50% discount. Beyond this financial incentive, we want to share the opportunities for students to become co-creators and innovate with us. Their feedback will count as we further develop the program. Submit your application now by reaching out to!